5 Biggest Time Wasters That Are Unknowingly Stealing Your Time!

We all are CEOs when it comes to planning our To-do list, but most of us fail when it comes to execution, don't we?

Time is one of the valuable resources in the world which humans can’t buy, can't borrow, or can’t make more of!

Most of us feel like 24 hours is not enough to do things that we want. Even though we can't stop time, we can only restrict ourselves to use it wisely.

Not using our time properly is one of the greatest regrets of mankind! To be honest, it's about prioritizing your time. There is enough time for all of us. We all have the same time, not less or not more each day.

We humans unknowingly waste time with so many things. Come on, let's identify what those are and how we can overcome that!

1. Empty Scrolling:

 I bet most people think of scrolling when it comes to wasting time. We all are aware that empty scrolling is the new smoking. 

That's completely true, an average smartphone user scrolls over 300 feet of digital content each day. 

Which is equal to the Statue of liberty, Isn’t insane?

Statue of Liberty 305 feet height

We often feel guilty for doing this, yet we can’t get rid of this habit. Because our system designed us in such a way to scroll repeatedly.

Companies are spending millions of dollars to make us getting addicted to their apps, 

We eventually ended up wasting our precious time inside those apps, gained nothing but the guilt of wasting time and not completing our works.

“Stop Scrolling, Start living your life in the moment” 

Don't worry, you can escape this trap if you decide to follow these simple practical tips!

Pro tips: 

🔹Turn on to GRAYSCALE mode (trust me, if you turn on the grayscale you will feel bored to spend on mobile) You can easily reduce your screening time by doing this.

🔹Keep your phone away when you're doing work. Have a deep work session every day without any distraction

🔹Set yourself a time to scroll in social media. You can also set a specific time limit for each app.

 2. Online Shopping:

We could have earned our one week’s income for the time we spent on online shopping, isn’t it right?

As we move online, we spend more time on shopping apps. But, did you know the global online shopping market size is nearly 4 trillion!

Have you ever felt that you had gone into amazon to check something and ended up wasting an hour by checking those products and reviews that you didn't even think of buying before getting into!

You ended up buying stuff that you didn't actually need before!

Pro Tips:

🔹Before getting into the app, set yourself a certain time limit.

🔹Always shop with a list, so that you don't have to waste your time wondering what to buy.

🔹Try to avoid adding irrelevant things to your cart. When you add things to your cart you keep on checking their price and when they offer a discount you will end up buying it.

3. Worrying about others opinions:

 Most of us have this habit, even if we say that we haven't cared about other's opinions. We always have this thought in our mind;

"What do people think of me if I do this / didn't do this?"

"What do people think if I say this?"

This leads to overthinking which kills your happiness. Your minds set you up in a constant loop from which you can't easily overcome.


Our society has involuntarily created the habit of worrying about other's opinions. Don’t let others rule and decide your life. People are never going to stop their criticism no matter what you do! Be who you want to be,  do what you want to do, follow your passion.

Do you think we can't break that social loop, surely we can!

Pro Tips:

🔹Constantly remember that you are enough and your opinion is enough! Never try to seek other's opinions unless you think that it is more essential.

🔹Always have your self-belief and perspective on your present and future and not based on what people talk about and think about you.

🔹Ignore the actual world, as it is an awfully depressing place to live with new ideas, unfamiliar approaches.

4. Being a perfectionist:

 We all are perfectionists in one way or another. We tend to think that only perfection can bring satisfaction, but it is not true!

No one can be completely perfect in anything, Do you agree?

Perfectionism destroys or kills your creativity. Furthermore, it will make you feel unhappy with the work you do!

Moreover, it takes a lot of effort to be perfect, which is highly time-consuming and will lead you to more stress and anxiety issues.

Perfection will not lead you in the process

Pro Tip:

🔹 Remind yourself every time that be imperfect is completely fine

🔹 Don't compare your work with others. Just complete and move on to the next work!

🔹 Never give a second thought to other’s opinions just be yourself and act in your way.

5. Constant distractions:

Even a minute of distraction can destroy a whole month's progress. Distraction will interrupt the flow of work, we have trained our minds to do easy things!

Similarly, getting distracted is the easiest of all. But, unfortunately, we are all in a world filled with distractions.

You can be distracted by your own thoughts, with your mobile phone, with memories, or with your surroundings.

It is the part of human nature to get distracted at times, but it is up to us whether we stay in the same loop of distraction or

You can bounce back with a speed that will help you to use your time productively without wasting time!

Pro Tip:

🔹 Everyday block some time for distraction-free or at least two hours every day.

🔹Use the Pomodoro technique which helps you to focus on the work without distraction.

🔹Turn off all the notifications from your smartphone so that you won't be distracted or tempted to open that app.

Final thoughts:

Be aware of these time suckers. Human life is quite short, try to make more things with the time you have. Live your life to the fullest.

Time is one of the most valuable assets which you can easily use if you use it properly. You can have everything you want in your life.

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot. " -- Michael Altshuler

Your future is created by your present actions, instead of wasting your precious time on these meaningless things.

Make yourself a promise to use your precious asset intentionally and meaningfully!

Which tips would you execute immediately?

Please do share with me in the comments below!


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