How to embrace discomfort zone for being successful in life : 6 easy ways

What skill will help you go above and beyond the people of this modern world?

The only skill that will make you stand out in today's world is embracing the discomfort zone in life.

Allowing oneself to feel uncomfortable is probably one of the best things that you can do for yourself.

We are possibly staying in our comfort zone because we are fearful of our outcomes or the result is so big to achieve, so we procrastinate.

Living your dream life starts from living your fear

Okay, let me ask you some questions;

Why do you think superheroes are well known and loved by people all around the globe?

They all have something in common, do you what it is?

It is their ability to deal with difficult situations and taking risks in life!

If you know how to occur that ability, then you will be a SUPERHERO, right?


~WHY discomfort zone?

~how to develop a discomfort zone?

  • Be aware of  being in a discomfort zone
  • Cultivate the domino effect
  • View it as an opportunity to get better
  • Be your own friend
  • Make a list of uncomfortable things
  • Surround yourself with risk-takers

~ Final words

WHY Discomfort zone?



Everything you do or wish to do in this world falls into two categories;

*Inside comfort zone, which is easy to do or not putting much effort into doing.
(Eg: Playing games, scrolling social media, etc...)

*An Outside comfort zone, which is hard to do, and it requires high mental resistance in doing these things which benefit you in a long run.
(Eg: Walking 30 mins a day, Learning a new skill, etc...)

Believe it or not, successful people have a high tolerance for pain and discomfort.
Discomfort helps you to build character, and grit will help you build your mental strength.

Be aware of discomfort zone:

"A person's success in life can be measured with the number of uncomfortable conversations that he is willing to have." ~Tim Ferris


A Comfort zone is like a bubble when you burst and get out of that trap, you will be exposed to the exciting, interesting, and new possibilities in life. 

Avoiding discomfort zone is like trying to avoid growing old, anyway, it is going to happen so embrace it!
Stepping outside the comfort zone

Cultivate the Domino effect:

A domino effect is a chain reaction that is the cumulative effect produced when one domino falls.

Similarly, taking that first step and consistently putting efforts to improve will give massive results!

The hardest step in anything is taking that first step, no matter how big or small it is. Take that step and execute consistently.

View it as an opportunity to get better:

" Whatever makes you uncomfortable is your biggest opportunity for growth." ~unknown
Believe it or not, if you start seeing results, you will definitely start to love the discomfort zone as an opportunity that initiates growth, learning, and self-improvement.

The only way to get opportunities in life is to get out of your comfort zone and grab all the available opportunities.

Make a list of uncomfortable things:

Have a written list of things that make you feel uncomfortable.

Change does not occur without experiencing discomfort, making a list of uncomfortable things will embrace you to conquer those challenges. This can help you in facing your own fear and mastering it.

Make yourself comfortable being uncomfortable because life is too short to be scared of not taking risks.

Do something that scares you at least once or twice a week, it gives you courage and confidence.

Be your own friend:

" The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself."~unknown 
Loving and being kind to yourself when you're going through all the adversities will help you in building confidence and self-belief.

Humans only learn when there is uncertainty. If you are not in an unfamiliar situation, you're not using a unique part of a brain (research by Yale University)

Surround yourself with the risk-takers:

"The future belongs to the risk takers, not the comfort seekers".

When you change the group of people you hang out with, the world around you changes!

The fastest way to change your life is to surround yourself with risk-takers, these types of people will help you create a dream life and help us grow at a faster pace.

Final words:

Don't limit yourself to the comfort circle. Be honest with yourself when you take risks, choose them, and use them to the core.

YOU all have a list of things that we are afraid to do. 

You must remain ourselves, that the struggle, the pain you are going through will set up for the future.

You are here with a purpose to grow, use the same purpose to execute things, your future Thank you for all your efforts!

What are struggles are you facing to be in the discomfort zone?

Any questions, would like to ask me about this topic?

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