
How OCEN can be the next UPI revolution in India!

  It's no secret that India's digital infrastructure has played a pivotal role in our country's exponential growth over the past few years. With innovations like UPI transforming the payment landscape, we've witnessed a remarkable shift towards digital transactions. But have you ever wondered about the stark contrast between big businesses effortlessly securing massive loans while small businesses struggling to get even a fraction of that support? It's time for a change, and the Indian government has a solution: OCEN, the Open Credit Enablement Network. Imagine you're a shop owner facing a sudden liquidity crunch of 90 thousand rupees to cover your operational expenses and employee salaries. Without collateral, securing a loan might seem like an insurmountable challenge, leaving you feeling helpless. But here's the exciting part: With OCEN, you can now obtain a loan without the traditional hurdles. No more endless paperwork or collateral requirements. It

5 Biggest Time Wasters That Are Unknowingly Stealing Your Time!

We all are CEOs when it comes to planning our To-do list, but most of us fail when it comes to execution, don't we? Time is one of the valuable resources in the world which humans can’t buy, can't borrow, or can’t make more of! Most of us feel like 24 hours is not enough to do things that we want. Even though we can't stop time, we can only restrict ourselves to use it wisely. Not using our time properly is one of the greatest regrets of mankind! To be honest, it's about prioritizing your time. There is enough time for all of us. We all have the same time, not less or not more each day. We humans unknowingly waste time with so many things. Come on, let's identify what those are and how we can overcome that! 1. Empty Scrolling:   I bet most people think of scrolling when it comes to wasting time. We all are aware that empty scrolling is the new smoking.  That's completely true, an average smartphone user scrolls over 300 feet of digital content each day.  Which

Top 6 simple personal finance practical tips that everyone should know!

Personal finance is like riding a bicycle. If you can balance certain things, you can definitely have a great life ride ahead. Financial literacy is one of the most vital skills that everyone should master once they started earning. In modern India, there is hype for personal finance among millennials these days. Millennials are more concerned about making money and managing money. One in every three Indian professionals is now optimistic about their personal finance (source: financial express )  Personal finance is all about managing and investing your money throughout your life for future needs and wants. Why Personal finance is important? When you begin to earn, money will flow into your account. Your income will flow like water, you will end up in water scarcity, if you don't know how to save, and spend that water wisely. Similarly, if you spend all your income without saving and planning, you will end up in poverty and can't grow further financially! "Formal education

6 Practical Techniques That Will Help You To Learn Any Skill Effectively!

In today's world, it is possible to live without friends, but it is impossible to live without skills! Didn't you believe me?  Because other than friends, you have your siblings and family to support you and to talk with you. Imagine, can you earn and make a living without acquiring skills? No... Right? Once you have graduated, you must have skills to work, earn, talk, and sell. Every job seeker is looking for a highly skilled person, even if you are a freelancer, you must have the skill to get clients. Learning and gaining skills start from the early stage of a career. Schools only taught us to memorize things and develop an attitude to depend on others. It will never teach how to learn and retain skills in the modern world. WHY you should learn a new skill: "The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways" ~Robert Greene. Things around us are changing rapidly. Being adaptable and preparing yourself for the future is more essentia

How to embrace discomfort zone for being successful in life : 6 easy ways

What skill will help you go above and beyond the people of this modern world? The only skill that will make you stand out in today's world is embracing the discomfort zone in life. Allowing oneself to feel uncomfortable is probably one of the best things that you can do for yourself. We are possibly staying in our comfort zone because we are fearful of our outcomes or the result is so big to achieve, so we procrastinate. Living your dream life starts from living your fear Okay, let me ask you some questions; Why do you think superheroes are well known and loved by people all around the globe? They all have something in common, do you what it is? It is their ability to deal with difficult situations and taking risks in life! If you know how to occur that ability, then you will be a SUPERHERO, right? TABLE OF CONTENTS: ~WHY discomfort zone? ~how to develop a discomfort zone? Be aware of  being in a discomfort zone Cultivate the domino effect View it as an opportunity to get better